Showing posts with label multivitamin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multivitamin. Show all posts

Strengthening immunity-fighting the virus

 Strengthening immunity,how to defeat the virus to save ourselves to strengthen immunity.We fight against viruses, bacteria.Honey is in the first place especially if it is with a mixture.

It will be useful with garlic and if you don't want it, it's good to take it with lemon honey and it's a good anti-virus therapy.

But it is a little necessary to add three tablespoons of pollen powder, 1 piece of grated ginger and 25 grams of nettle seeds, as well as the juice of 2 lemons. To spend 5 large cloves of garlic or without it. Onions are healthy and necessary for the body. advises and tincture of propolis 10 ml.

Preparation: grind nettle in a coffee grinder or other appliance. It is also good for anemia. Peel an onion and mash it, mix everything and let it stand for 3 days. Take it with a wooden spoon 2-3 times a day per teaspoon of the mixture. .Lemon is a super medicine that carries food to all parts of the body.It carries minerals and vitamins.Excess vitamin C will go out in the urine.

The second mixture is with honey 500 gr. , 50 g of pollen powder and 30 ml of propolis and 250 g. ground cranberries, 250 gr. frozen blueberries.Everything to mix in a glass jar in the refrigerator to stand 24 hours.

The third mixture 300 gr. honey, 30 grams of celery root, and 30 gr. ginger and 1 teaspoon ground hot pepper.

Instead, you can add turmeric or horseradish per 50 grams and the juice of 3 lemons per 500 g of honey. One teaspoon after getting up in the morning.

You can take jam instead of honey. And it can stand for a long time without spoiling. The jam is sugar-free, it is made from fruit juice until it is cooked to be thick. The jam is also good for anemia.

You can make a tincture of half a liter of medical alcohol 70% in which is inserted 100 grams of dried echinacea flowers, 50 gr. propolis, 50 grams of lemon balm, to stand closed for 15 days. Strain and drink 3 times 15 drops a day. insomnia. For insomnia, it is good to take 25 grams of mint, lemon balm and chamomile flowers. Take a small teaspoon of 200 ml of the mixture once a day for a good night's sleep.

So much for today, live healthy and live long.

Tags:natural remedy,medicine from nature,horseradish, nettle, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, garlic,


The main active ingredients in Shilajit is fulvic acid, dibenzo alpha pyrones, humin, humic acids and trace elements. They are produced by microbial action on humus. This is an excerpt from the Pamir Mountains is called mummy, but is not considered as strong as Altai Shilajit.

Shilajit has a broad spectrum of biological activity: increases nonspecific resistance to adverse environmental factors, is a tonic, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, has a choleretic effect, stimulate some functions of the immune and hematopoietic system, improves metabolism, stimulates the regenerative processes.

Mummy is a very effective means of contributing to the rapid elimination of the main symptoms of the diseases, elimination of local inflammatory reaction, improve the general condition and well-being.

What does Shilajit contain?

Shilajit contains 85+ minerals in ionic form, Vitamins, Fulvic acid and very important phytonutrients that are readily transported deep into the cells by Fulvic acid already present. 

The primary active ingredients in Shilajit are Fulvic Acids, Dibenzo Alpha Pyrones, Humins, Humic Acids, trace minerals, vitamins A, B, C and P (citrines), phospholipids and polyphenol complexes, terpenoids. Also, present are microelements (cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese, chrome, iron, magnesium and other).There are certain conditions that it is especially effective for:


Digestive troubles




Renal stone

Renal and bladder calculi




Epilepsy and insanity

Nervous diseases

Memory and cognition

Immune system modulator


Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant

Useful in genito-urinary diseases


In gall stones


Enlarged spleen

Fermentative dyspepsia


Dysmenorrhoea and Menorrhagia



Slow the Aging Process

Getting regular physicals is important but eating right is arguable just as important as a regular check up. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber.

Be sure and drink at least 8 glasses or more of fresh water daily.

Take a daily multivitamin. Do all of these things and over time you will be well on your way to appearing younger and more full of life and vitality.

Avoid smoking at all costs! It is estimated that every cigarette you smoke takes about 5 minutes off of your life expectancy.

Smoking also seems to speed up the aging process.

Stay away from smoking if you want to have the appearance of aging slowly and beautifully. 

(You can also save yourself a lot of money not only in decreased medical costs and lower cost health insurance but also with extra spending money available).

Get outdoors and enjoy some form of exercise. Mountain hiking can serve to evitalize your appearance and boost your metabolism.

Swimming, jogging, raking leaves, pushing a lawn mower, and shoveling snow could all be forms of exercise that you can enjoy outdoors.

Almost everyone would agree that the biggest key to slowing the aging process is preventative in nature.

Little things done consistently will start to add up over time. It is never too late to start and get some kind of benefit but don’t make the mistake of delaying!

tags:Slow the Aging Process,Smoking also seems ,Little things done consistently will start,Mountain hiking can serve,

All natural

When you're shopping for groceries, watch out for the phrase "all natural" as claimed on the front of various product packages. It turns out that the phrase "all natural" can mean just about anything; it actually has no nutritional meaning whatsoever and isn't truly regulated by the FDA.

The most common labeling scheme identified by researchers was the front-labeling of foods that are high in fat and sugar with glowing health claims. While partially true in some cases, phrases like "naturally-flavored" and "no artificialingredients" were found to be commonly used on breakfast products that are high in refined sugar and bad saturated fats. One cereal claiming to boost heart health and maintain a healthy body was found to have more sugar per serving than a doughnut. Another breakfast cereal bar claiming to be high in vitamins was found to have moresaturated fat and sugar than a piece of chocolate cake.

tags:all natural" can mean,artificialingredients", vitamins was found , regulated by the FDA.

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...