Showing posts with label vitamin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vitamin. Show all posts


Cholesterol:Niacin is also used for preventing positive urine drug screens in people who take illegal drugs. Niacinamide is used for treating diabetes and two skin conditions called bullous pemphigoid and granuloma annulare.
 Niacin or niacinamide is used for preventing vitamin B3 deficiency and related conditions such as pellagra.Vitamin B3 is found in many foods including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and cereal grains.
Niacin and niacinamide are also found in many vitamin B complex supplements with other B vitamins. Niacin is used for high cholesterol.People who consume higher amounts of niacin from food and multivitamin sources seem to have a lower risk of getting Alzheimer's disease than people who consume less niacin.

Niacin and niacinamide are easily dissolved in water and are well-absorbed when taken by mouth. Niacin and niacinamide are required for the proper function of fats and sugars in the body and to maintain healthy cells. Some people use niacin or niacinamide for acne, leprosy, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), memory loss, arthritis, preventing premenstrual headache, improving digestion, protecting against toxins and pollutants, reducing the effects of aging, lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, promoting relaxation, improving orgasm, and preventing cataracts. Niacinamide is applied to the skin for treating a skin condition called inflammatory acne vulgaris.

tags,vitamins,niacin,B3,preventing,niacinamide,Alzheimer's disease,Cholesterol,

The fruits pitaya

Pitaya fruit comes in two main varieties, the sweet version (pitaya dulce) and the sour version (pitaya agria). Wondering how to eat these unique fruits? The rough, thick skin is not typically eaten, but cutting the fruit in half exposes the soft edible flesh. This flesh can be eaten raw, blended in smoothies, grilled, or cooked. The beautiful flowers of the pitaya fruit are also frequently steeped as tea. Feeling adventurous? Try these awesome dragon fruit recipes!
Pitaya fruit are praised for being low-calorie and high Vitamin C, as well as for their polyunsaturated fat (omega-3 and omega-6)-rich seeds. Pitaya fruit contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, some fiber, and little sugar. They do, however, contain polyphenols, which are thought to potentially reduce the risk of some cancers!

The sweet variety is much more popular thanks to its mildly sweet taste, creamy pulp, delicate scent, and a slight tartness. Its texture and taste is comparable to kiwi or watermelon. The sour variety has a stronger taste with a sour, yet refreshing, juicier flesh. Both varieties have black seeds in the flesh, much like kiwi, that contribute a slight nutty taste, pleasing crunch, and fiber to bootcactus.
Pitaya’s bright red color and unique, leathery, leafy skin makes this fruit stand out. So it’s no wonder that it is quickly becoming popular for its mildly sweet flavor, various nutrition benefits, and flexibility in recipes.

tags:pitaya,fiber to boot,cactus species,

Consuming fruits

Consuming fruits, vegetables, water, and other fluids helps the kidneys cleanse themselves. Before we get into specific foods and herbs to help cleanse your kidneys, it is important remember the importance of water for your body's, and kidney's, health.
Watermelon – Watermelon contains 92% water by weight.
 This makes it a very good fruit to eat to help your body to flush the kidneys. 
Flushing the kidneys causes your body to produce more urine and remove more waste from your body. 

In addition, it is also an amazing source of potassium, which is a mineral salt that can help to dissolve kidney stones allowing the residue to be passed.
Lemons– Lemons are naturally acidic and have been proven to increase citrate levels in your urine, which helps prevent kidney stones from forming. Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water throughout the day can help you not only stay hydrated, but allow you to consume more lemons throughout the day, plus it tastes great too!
Water – Proper hydration is especially important for proper kidney function. Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis improves the functioning of kidneys. Maintaining the proper 64 ounces of water throughout the day is important for the body.
 Make sure you are not drinking too much water throughout the day though.
The kidneys are important organs with many functions in the body, including producing hormones, absorbing minerals, producing urine, clearing waste from the body, regulating water fluid levels and filtering blood in the body. 

Tags:Natural Ways to Cleanse ,fruits,natural,water,

Natural herbs and vitamins

Learn which herbs are best for your needs and how to use them in the safest and most effective way.Many cultures have been using herbs as a natural anxiety treatment for thousands of years, and they work quite well if they are used properly.

kava kava
lemon balm

D vitamin:Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in eggs and fatty fish such as salmon ad mackerel (and cod liver oil), but your body can also make its own vitamin D after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun , though this is somewhat dependent on the season and your geographic location. It may improve seasonal anxiety and depression that worsen during the winter months. 
B vitamin:Dark-green, leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale and chard, contain plenty of calming magnesium as well as good amounts of the B vitamins.


Physical stress

Pantothenic acid is frequently used in combination with other B vitamins in vitamin B complex formulations. Vitamin B complex generally includes vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin/niacinamide), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), and folic acid. 
However, some products do not contain all of these ingredients and some may include others, such as biotin, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), choline bitartrate, and inositol.

Taking pantothenic acid by mouth prevents and treats pantothenic acid deficiency.
People take pantothenic acid for treating dietary deficiencies, acne, alcoholism, allergies, baldness, asthma, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, burning feet syndrome, yeast infections, heart failure, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory disorders, celiac disease, colitis, conjunctivitis, convulsions, and cystitis.
Pantothenic acid is also used orally for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, nerve pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), enlarged prostate, protection against mental and physical stress and anxiety, reducing adverse effects of thyroid therapy in congenital hypothyroidism, reducing signs of aging, reducing susceptibility to colds and other infections, retarded growth, shingles, skin disorders, stimulating adrenal glands, chronic fatigue syndrome, salicylate toxicity, streptomycin neurotoxicity, dizziness, and wound healing. People apply dexpanthenol, which is made from pantothenic acid, to the skin for itching, promoting healing of mild eczemas and other skin conditions, insect stings, bites, poison ivy, diaper rash, and acne.
Vitamin B5 is commercially available as D-pantothenic acid, as well as dexpanthenol and calcium pantothenate, which are chemicals made in the lab from D-pantothenic acid.Pantothenic acid is also used orally for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, nerve pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), enlarged prostate, protection against mental and physical stress and anxiety, reducing adverse effects of thyroid therapy in congenital hypothyroidism, reducing signs of aging, reducing susceptibility to colds and other infections, retarded growth, shingles, skin disorders, stimulating adrenal glands, chronic fatigue syndrome, salicylate toxicity, streptomycin neurotoxicity, dizziness, and wound healing.
It is also taken by mouth for dandruff, depression, diabetic nerve pain, enhancing immune function, improving athletic performance, tongue infections, gray hair, headache, hyperactivity, low blood sugar, trouble sleeping (insomnia), irritability, low blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, muscular cramps in the legs associated with pregnancy or alcoholism, neuralgia, and obesity. 

Tags:Vitamin B5,infections,physical stress,

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...