Showing posts with label All natural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All natural. Show all posts

Natural origin

Natural Origin's key objective is to develop safe and effective natural products. All our products are created from natural ingredients, plant extracts and essential oils. We target on products that come in contact with human skin, pets and nature on a daily basis. Most household and personal care products nowadays are laden with harmful chemicals, artificial colorings and fragrances. With prolonged exposure, these chemicals cause health problems to human, became toxic to animals and harm our Earth. 

 Therefore, Natural Origin’s focus and philosophy is to produce and sell products that are safe to you and your family, your pets and Earth.

Natural Origin uses only renewable resources to supply our processes and packaging. Part of the value of the Natural Origin range of products is utilisation of recycled products previously identified as waste streams and extracts the value from each resource for the benefit of our environment preservation.

Multiple factors contribute to Natural Origin's reputation for excellence. Natural ingredients require meticulous management, from controlling the selection of raw material through to the final details of export shipment. Customer service begins before the first purchase with high levels of information exchange to establish the customers' needs both for their product and market access. Natural Origin oversees each step of delivering a high quality product to the customer with the integrity of the product intact.

Natural origin 5.....

tags:natural origin,

All natural

When you're shopping for groceries, watch out for the phrase "all natural" as claimed on the front of various product packages. It turns out that the phrase "all natural" can mean just about anything; it actually has no nutritional meaning whatsoever and isn't truly regulated by the FDA.

The most common labeling scheme identified by researchers was the front-labeling of foods that are high in fat and sugar with glowing health claims. While partially true in some cases, phrases like "naturally-flavored" and "no artificialingredients" were found to be commonly used on breakfast products that are high in refined sugar and bad saturated fats. One cereal claiming to boost heart health and maintain a healthy body was found to have more sugar per serving than a doughnut. Another breakfast cereal bar claiming to be high in vitamins was found to have moresaturated fat and sugar than a piece of chocolate cake.

tags:all natural" can mean,artificialingredients", vitamins was found , regulated by the FDA.

Natural Alternatives

To reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as live a longer, healthier life, every effort should be made by women to control their blood pressure and cholesterol levels through dietary, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation strategies.The results of these studies are a significant cause for concern and underline the importance of using effective natural, non-drug approaches to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in

women.Millions of prescriptions are filled yearly with the hope of reducing people's risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

But, looking at the results from detailed studies, the majority of people on statin drugs, especially women, are achieving no real benefit from these drugs.The reality is that statins are very expensive medicines, provide very limited benefit and carry with them considerable risks for side effects.

Keep in mind that cholesterol levels don't change overnight.Allicin is the active ingredient is garlic.



Image result for kurkumaTurmeric is also great in eliminating skin aging process..Creating turmeric cream is really very easy. Mix the spice with yogurt. You can also add some honey. Put the mask on a face for half an hour. After hardening, wash everything off with warm water. You’ll see how smooth and wonderful your skin would become. You may also ass its powder to various creams to get better results.If you have oily skin, you can use turmeric for reducing sebum production, which is one of the reasons for acne.Turmeric helps blocking the enzymes, which keeps collagen active production.

Turmeric cream will also help you protecting from possible UV rays, which can cause wrinkles and damage skin very much.Using turmeric cram regularly will help you making skin very clean and glowing.


Guaranine, theine

The guarana fruit's colour ranges from brown to red and contains black seeds which are partly covered by white arils. The colour contrast when the fruit has been split open has been likened to eyeballs; which has formed the basis of an origin myth among the Sateré-Mawé people.

Guarana extract reduced aggregation of rabbitplatelets by up to 37 percent below control values and decreased platelet thromboxane formation from arachidonic acid by 78 percent below control values.It is not known if such platelet action has any effect on the risk of heart attack or ischemic stroke.

Preliminary research has shown guarana may affect how quickly the body perceives itself to be full. 

Natural sources of caffeine contain widely varying mixtures of xanthine alkaloids other than caffeine, including the cardiac stimulants theophylline and theobromine and other substances such as polyphenols , which can form insoluble complexes with caffeine. Guarana from the Portuguese guaraná Paullinia cupanasyn. P. crysan, P. sorbilis is a climbing plant in the maple family, Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basin and especially common in Brazil.


Ginko Biloba

 Ginkgo biloba-Short description

Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba leaves have been used in China for almost 5000 years to improve the memory. This Ginkgo Biloba extract is standardized to 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones.


Never use herbal medicine if you suspect that you have symptoms that should be clarified by a doctor. If you don't experience any improvement within a month – contact your physician, a naturopath, or a phytotherapist.

Not to be used during pregnancy.
Should not be used together with anticoagulants.
Should not be used the last 3 days before undergoing surgical procedures

Extracts of Ginkgo leaves contain flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids (ginkgolides, bilobalides) and have been used pharmaceutically. Ginkgo supplements are usually taken in the range of 40–200 mg per day. Recently, careful clinical trials have shown Ginkgo to be ineffective in treating dementia or preventing the onset of Alzheimer's Disease in normal people.

tags:Ginko Biloba,Extracts of Ginkgo,herbal medicine

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...