Showing posts with label cholesterol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cholesterol. Show all posts

Natural Alternatives

To reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as live a longer, healthier life, every effort should be made by women to control their blood pressure and cholesterol levels through dietary, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation strategies.The results of these studies are a significant cause for concern and underline the importance of using effective natural, non-drug approaches to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in

women.Millions of prescriptions are filled yearly with the hope of reducing people's risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

But, looking at the results from detailed studies, the majority of people on statin drugs, especially women, are achieving no real benefit from these drugs.The reality is that statins are very expensive medicines, provide very limited benefit and carry with them considerable risks for side effects.

Keep in mind that cholesterol levels don't change overnight.Allicin is the active ingredient is garlic.



Shiitake are native to Japan, China and Korea and have been grown in all three countries since prehistoric times.The oldest record regardin...