Showing posts with label herbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbal. Show all posts

DAMIANA-Turnera diffusa

Turner diffusa, known as Damiana is a shrub native to Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. It belongs to the family Turneraceae.

Herbal medicine

Damiana today is conventionally made into tea. In herbal medicine, damiana is used for the treatment of conditions ranging from cough to constipation to depression. Herbal supplement known to help with fibromyalgia, energy, emphysema, low estrogen, frigidity, hot flashes, impotence, infertility, menopause, Parkinson's disease, PMS, inflammation of the prostate, Lou Gehrig's disease, and more dealing with reproductive organs in both males and females .

Damiana has been used in the past as a tea to help teenagers overcome shyness & amp; self-confidence that sometimes accompanies puberty. Damiana also be used for sexual performance anxiety in adults. Gorka principle, Damianino, stimulates the nervous system and reproductive organs, and also allows nerve messages to more easily spread through the body.

Consume more than one cup of tea Damiana, or a tincture of dropperful or two capsules per day, in order to avoid stressing the liver, since its effects are cumulative. It is generally considered safe, but avoid using Damiana in cases of urinary tract diseases or liver disease.

While researchers have not found any information on the final Damiana has psychoactive effects, has recently been shown that the essential chemical structure of the plant, Damianino, have certain effects on the central nervous system. This chemical can therefore be responsible, in part, to reports of psychoactive effects, but studies have involved limited at this time.

Tags: Herbal Medicine,Damiana,

Herbal Cures for Kidneys

There are many herbs that are beneficial to the kidneys. Herbal cures for the kidney are recommended to treat a variety of disorders from infections of the urinary system to kidney stones.


  1. Parsley is a diuretic. It helps to clean the kidneys of harmful substances by producing more urine.

  2.  Urine is the byproduct of the kidneys cleaning the blood.

  3. Juniper Berries

  4. Juniper berries are effective in eliminating mucus from the urinary system, which might cause congestion.

    1. Uva Ursi

    2. Uva Ursi is probably the most popular for cleaning and treating kidneys. It improves the function of the kidneys by stimulating its many passageways.

      1. Kelp

      2. Kelp is a diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys to produce more urine, and leads to more debris and toxins being eliminated. Kelp is also rich in minerals such as iron and potassium.

      3. Watermelon Seeds

      4. The Health New Age website says watermelon seeds stimulate kidneys that are sluggish.

      tags:Herbal Cures for Kidneys,Watermelon Seeds,Uva Ursi is probably,herbal cures for kidneys,naturall,

Planting Herbs - part IV

Many of the plants we grow such as annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees are herbs in the true sense of the word. With increased interest in recent years in continental or gourmet cooking the word "herb" is nearly always thought of by home gardeners to mean the "culinary" herb.

The herbs I have grown are listed below with instructions for growing them. Perhaps inexperienced gardeners as well as those who have not yet had the pleasure of growing these interesting plants will give some thought to starting a small herb garden.


LAVENDER (Lavandula). I have had excellent success with germinating seeds of lavender giving a four-week pre-chilling period in the coldframe before bringing into the greenhouse with germination in 14 days. This year sown under the lights the seeds germinated in 15 days with no pre-chilling period. 

This is a hardy perennial with gray foliage and spikes of fragrant lavender flowers, which when dried are used to perfume the linen chest and for sachets. Dry easily when hung free in a dry garage or attic.

MARJORAM, SWEET (Majorana hortensis) This is a perennial in frost-free sections of the South but is grown as a hardy annual in the North. Sow seed indoors with germination in 7 to 10 days. Grows to 12 inches; space 6 inches apart.

 Plants may be potted up and grown in the greenhouse or sunny window over -the winter. Adds a delicate flavor to lamb, fish, salads and soups.

MINT (Mentha spicata) This mint is very easy to grow. It is a hardy perennial and spreads by root stolons. Sown indoors seed germinates in 10 to 15 days. It grows to 2 feet and is rather sprawling, in habit. Space 12 inches apart. Is at its best in good rich soil. Fine to use for mint jelly and in mint juleps, lemonade and other fruit drinks.

SESAME (Sesamum orientale) This herb has whitish colored leaves and pretty pink flowers. Needs warmth for germination and should not be planted into the garden until -the soil and air are very warm; about 70 degrees. This would be in late May in our location. Germination will take place in 3 to 7 days. Although they grow 21/2 to 3 feet they need but 9 or 10 inches between plants as they do not branch. Seeds are used to flavor breads, crackers and cookies.

BORAGE (Borago officinalis) This has pinkish blossoms which turn blue like the perennial pulmonaria. It is an annual and should be planted directly to the garden in early May in the North. Growing to 2 feet it should be spaced 10 inches apart. Germinates in 7 -to 10 days. Resents transplanting except when quite small. It is excellent used in tossed salad to add a most elusive flavor.

CHERVIL (Anthriscus cerefolium) Although this plant will germinate in the fall and live over the winter I would advise the inexperienced gardener to grow it as an annual, sowing the seed to the garden in mid-May (in this area). Grows to 2 feet and should be spaced 8 inches apart. Grows quickly and is mature in 6 weeks. Resents transplanting. Fresh leaves can be frozen in small packets after washing carefully. Excellent to flavor egg dishes...

tags:Planting Herbs, The herbs I have grown,Planting Herbs


Curcuma longa:Unlike with many spice-rack staples, you can get a therapeutic dose of turmeric from food. A pinch per serving is all you need, says Reenita Malhotra, an Ayurvedic clinician in San Jose, California. In supplement form, take 4 grams of turmeric daily.This staple of Indian cooking is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Some studies suggests it works to ease the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It may also help with other inflammatory conditions, such as tendinitis, and it may even protect your heart, given what we now know about the role of inflammation in heart disease.

Mentha x piperita:For run-of-the-mill upset stomach, plain old peppermint tea can help. To treat IBS, take one capsule containing 0.2 milliliters of peppermint essential oil one to three times a day with water and before meals.“Peppermint will cause heartburn and worsen acid reflux in some people,” says Snow. If you experience either of these problems, stop taking the herb.You’d be hard-pressed to find a better stomach-calming herb than peppermint (hence after-dinner mints). “It’s really good for any kind of digestive upset,” says Bunting.
 And peppermint oil, which comes in enteric-coated capsules, is one of the most effective natural treatments for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Because the capsules are coated, they pass through the stomach and open in the intestines, where they have an antispasmodic effect on the muscles that go haywire during IBS, leading to diarrhea and/or constipation, the condition’s main symptoms.


Herbal Medicine -HOMEOPATHY - part III

Herbal Medicine Materia Medica and Herbal

Catmint:Carminative, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, nervine, astringent.Catnip is one of the traditional cold and flu remedies.Preparations & Dosage: Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.

Echinacea Spp.: Anti-microbial, immunomodulator, anti-catarrhal, alterative.,Echinacea is one of the primary remedies for helping the body rid itself of microbial infections...Preparations & Dosage: Decoction: put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in one cup of water and bring it slowly to boil. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. Tincture: take 1-4 ml of the tincture three times a day.

Celery Seeds: Anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, carminative, anti-spasmodic, nervine.Celery Seeds find their main use in the treatment of rheumatism,arthritis and gout. They are especially useful in rheumatoid arthritis where there is an associated mental depression...Preparations & Dosage: Infusion; pour a cup of boiling water onto l-2 teaspoonfuls of freshly crushed seeds. Leave to infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.

Peppermint:Carminative, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, aromatic,diaphoretic, anti-emetic, nervine, anti-microbial, analgesic.Peppermint is an excellent carminative, having a relaxingeffect on the muscles of the digestive system, combats flatulence andstimulates bile and digestive juice flow. It is used to relieve intestinalcolic, flatulent dyspepsia and associated conditionsPreparations &

 Dosage: Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto aheaped teaspoonful of the dried herb and leave to infuse for l0 minutes... Thismay be drunk as often as desired.

Stone Root:Collinsonia canadensis,Root and rhizome., Anti-lithic, diuretic, diaphoretic.As its name suggests, Stone Root finds its main use in thetreatment and prevention of stone and gravel in the urinarysystem and the gall-bladder. It can be used as a prophylactic but is alsoexcellent when the body is in need of help in passing stones of gravel. It isalso a strong diuretic...

Preparations & Dosage: Decoction: put l-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried root in a cup of water, bring to boiling and simmer for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.Tincture: take 1-2 ml of the tincture three times a day.


tags:HOMEOPATHY,Herbal Medicine Materia Medica,Stone Root:Collinsonia canadensis,Celery Seeds: Anti-rheumatic, 

Growing Herbs in the Garden - II

Also known as Pot Marjoram,Origanum vulgare is a perennial herb and a native of the Mediterranean region. The plant grows to over two feet tall and has oval grayish-green leaves that are frequently used in pizza, spaghetti and marinara sauces, plus many other Italian dishes. It also complements beef or lamb stews, gravies, salads, soups, even tomato juice.

 It's small flowers can be lilac, pink, purple, or white.Possessing medicinal properties dating back centuries, modern herbalists promote many potential health benefits and home-grown remedies derived from this most versatile herb.

Oregano needs only a moderately fertile soil to thrive in, though drainage and friability are important. Plant outdoors 12 inches apart after all danger of frost has passed. 

Plants are easily started from seed, stem cuttings, or mature root division.

Oregano appreciates being hoed regularly and neighboring weeds should be kept under control. Mulching with hay helps keep plants clean outdoors. Oregano lends itself well to container and hydroponic methods of cultivation.

When flowers appear, oregano is ready to be harvested, unless continuous picking of leaves during growth prevents flowering. About six weeks after planting, trim oregano shoots to within one inch of the center which will stimulate lush, bushy growth.

tags:Oregano,oregano is ready to be harvested, Oregano,Plant,

Natural Medicinal Herbs Information Part II

General precautions when you are taking herbs

  • Check with your health care practitioner before using any herbal product, especially if you're taking a prescription drug. Tell your practitioner about all drugs you're taking, including nonprescription medications and vitamins. Many herbal remedies can interact with other drugs. Make sure your health care practitioner is aware of your medical history, including allergies.

  • When taking an herb, follow the instructions exactly. If you take too much of an herb or take it inappropriately, you may get no benefit from taking it-or put yourself at risk for potentially dangerous side effects.

  • Never ignore symptoms you're experiencing. Contact your health care practitioner if you experience side effects of an herbal agent or if you have other health concerns that would normally require medical attention.

  • Be sure to call your health care practitioner if you experience abdominal cramping, abnormal bleeding or bruising, changes in your pulse or heart rhythm; vision changes, dizziness or fainting; hair loss; hallucinations, inability to concentrate or other mental changes, hives, itching, rash, or other allergic symptoms, appetite loss, or dramatic weight loss.

  • Don't use herbal agents to delay seeking more appropriate therapy. Keep in mind that herbs aren't necessarily a substitute for proven medical therapy.

  • If you're a parent or other caregiver, consider each of the preceding precautions before giving herbal medicines to a child or an elderly or debilitated person. Discontinue herbs at least 2 weeks before surgery. They can interfere with anesthesia and cause heart and blood vessel problems.

When to avoid natural medicinal herbs

1 Avoid herbal preparations if you're pregnant or breast-feeding. Most herbs effects on the fetus are unknown. If you're a woman of childbearing age, use birth control when taking herbs.

2 Don't use herbs for serious or potentially serious medical conditions, such as heart disease or bleeding disorders.

3 Never let other people take your herbs or other medicine. Store herbal agents out of reach of children and pets.

4 If you have questions about the herb you're taking, seek advice from a qualified health care provider. If your practitioner Isn't knowledgeable about herbs, ask for a referral to someone who is.

tags:General precautions when you are taking herbs,Natural Medicinal Herbs Information ,

Herbal medicine

When you're thinking about Herbal life nutrition, you should look into the various herbs on the market today. One of the first thing you'll notice is that most supplements make claims, but don't back them up. 

To know whether St. Johns Wort will really cure hemorrhoids (which, by the way, it won't), you'll probably have to look it up yourself. Encyclopedias, and the web, can make this process much easier; allowing you to find out what it is that is being sold to you as an 'herbal remedy'. While there are many different herbs, below are a few common ones.

Artichoke:Not all Herbal life nutrition elements must be obscure or specific; common household items can be healthy and helpful too. Garlic and artichokes both have been shown to lower cholesterol. Garlic also reduces blood pressure, and has some antibacterial properties.

Ginkgo:Many energy drinks and herbal supplements display that they include Ginkgo Biloba proudly on their label. Ginkgo is also known as the Maidenhair Tree sometimes. It is a 'living fossil', which means that it is a species that has no living relatives (Ginkgo is in its own division, Ginkgophyta, which has only the one class Ginkgopsida, the one order Ginkgoales, the one family Ginkgoaceae, the only genus Ginkgo and just the one species. It's far, far away from any other species, enough that scientists don't know of any relatives at all), and has remained fairly stable through the centuries in the fossil record. Given all of this, you may be led to believe that it has the wondrous effects for Herbal life nutrition that the labels claim. However, for the most part, the only claim that has any semblance of the truth is that Ginkgo Biloba can be used as a memory enhancer and anti-vertigo agent, and even those claims are contested. It is also expensive enough that most manufacturers only put just enough in to be able to say on their label that it is in their product, in hopes of a placebo effect. The American Medical Association found indications that Ginkgo was no better than a placebo in memory tests, but those experiments are still preliminary. Overall, though, Ginkgo should probably not be something that you use as a deciding characteristic when looking at a product to purchase.

tags:Herbal life nutrition elements,for Herbal life nutrition, Medical Association found indications,Ginkgo,Artichoke, 


Today there is an overwhelming number of herbal and other complementary remedies on the market.Here will be described only natural remedies.Drugs from medicinal plants.Plants can cure all diseases with doctor supervision.

Today, the U.S.Pharmacopoeia, with its reliance on herbal compounds, has been all but forgotten. Most modern physicians rely on thePhysician's Desk Reference, an extensive listing of chemically manufactured drugs. It is important to note that each entry in this enormous volume, in addition to specifying the chemical compound and actions of a particular drug, also includes an extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects.

What is homeopathy?Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on treating the individual with highly diluted substances given in mainly tablet form, which triggers the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their experience of their symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to the patientHerbal Medicine, sometimes referred to as herbalism or botanical medicine, the use of herbs for their therapeutic or medicinal value. The plant is a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, aromatic or savory qualities. Herbs, medicinal herbs and products containing various chemical substances that act on the body.Herbs are available in a variety of forms, including fresh, dried, in tablets or capsules, or bottled in liquid form. You can buy them individually or in mixtures formulated for specific conditions. 

Whatever type of product you choose, the quality of an herbal preparation-be it in capsule, tablet, tea, tincture, bath, compress, poultice, or ointment form-is only as good as the quality of the raw herb from which it was made.

There are many delicious blends of herbal teas on the shelves of your health food store; they need no introduction here. You'll find loose herbs ready for steeping, herbal formulations aimed at specific conditions, and convenient pre-bagged teas. Some are just for sipping; some are medicinal. When your child is ill, a comforting cup of herbal tea (medicinal or not) is a wonderful way to give additional liquids.this game is just beginning...enjoy

tags:herbal,tea, tincture, bath, compress, poultice, or ointment ,Homeopathy ,medicinal plants,

Depression -nerves ... two parts

Tips from people with weak nerves:

You can use the first root valerijane.200 grams of mince left in the jar and pour a liter of strong alcohol 50-60 degrees.

 For ten days, strain. Take 20 drops on sugar cubes, a few times today. Such a remedy most women drink weak nerves.

/My english is not something good, but the tips are great./

tags:nerves,nerves,depression,valerijane,root valerijane,depression

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...