Showing posts with label Medicinal plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicinal plants. Show all posts


Today there is an overwhelming number of herbal and other complementary remedies on the market.Here will be described only natural remedies.Drugs from medicinal plants.Plants can cure all diseases with doctor supervision.

Today, the U.S.Pharmacopoeia, with its reliance on herbal compounds, has been all but forgotten. Most modern physicians rely on thePhysician's Desk Reference, an extensive listing of chemically manufactured drugs. It is important to note that each entry in this enormous volume, in addition to specifying the chemical compound and actions of a particular drug, also includes an extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects.

What is homeopathy?Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on treating the individual with highly diluted substances given in mainly tablet form, which triggers the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their experience of their symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to the patientHerbal Medicine, sometimes referred to as herbalism or botanical medicine, the use of herbs for their therapeutic or medicinal value. The plant is a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, aromatic or savory qualities. Herbs, medicinal herbs and products containing various chemical substances that act on the body.Herbs are available in a variety of forms, including fresh, dried, in tablets or capsules, or bottled in liquid form. You can buy them individually or in mixtures formulated for specific conditions. 

Whatever type of product you choose, the quality of an herbal preparation-be it in capsule, tablet, tea, tincture, bath, compress, poultice, or ointment form-is only as good as the quality of the raw herb from which it was made.

There are many delicious blends of herbal teas on the shelves of your health food store; they need no introduction here. You'll find loose herbs ready for steeping, herbal formulations aimed at specific conditions, and convenient pre-bagged teas. Some are just for sipping; some are medicinal. When your child is ill, a comforting cup of herbal tea (medicinal or not) is a wonderful way to give additional liquids.this game is just beginning...enjoy

tags:herbal,tea, tincture, bath, compress, poultice, or ointment ,Homeopathy ,medicinal plants,

Ginseng plant

Ginseng contains 12 types of bio-active chemical substances also known as ginsenoids.

Used as capsules, powder, tea or nutritive supplements, ginseng can be easily found in any drug-store.

Small doses can increase the blood tension and big doses can diminish it.The general belief is that ginseng prevents the ageing of tissues and treats impotence.

According to Chinese tradition, ginseng treats hypertension as well as hypotension, anemia, asthenia, arthritis, digestive disorders, insomnia, and fatigue and increases body resistance during stress periods.

Ginseng has tonic (especially over the nervous system), anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and aphrodisiac effects.


Black seed oil

Black seed oil:Studies have shown that black seed oil is an effective anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory remedy.Black seed oil is an oil derived by pressing the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant.

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Black Seed Oil help treat the symptoms of acute asthma and coughs by relaxing bronchial muscles.Take one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil once a day when flu/fever systems occur.

Also be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day

Simply take half a teaspoon of oil twice a day when allergy symptoms begin to appear.headaches

  • toothaches

  • nasal congestion

  • colds and flus

  • digestive and gastrointestinal problems

  • hair and skin problems

  • allergies

  • diabetes



Black seed oil 

tags:oil,medicinal plants,

Medicinal plants-Part I

Medicinal plants have always been considered a healthy source of life for all people.

Therapeutical propertie
s of medical plants are very useful in healing various diseases and the advantage of these medicinal plants is being 100% natural.

Nowadays people are being bombarded with thousand of unhealthy products, the level of sensibility infront of diseases is very high and that's why the use of medicinal plants can represent the best solution.

Medicinal plants:

Nettle (Urtica Dioica) contains a great number of amino acids, glucidic substances, amines, sterols, cetones as methyl heptenone, acetophenone, volatile oil, fatty substances, sitosterols, formic and acetic acid, panthotenic acid, folic acid, chlorophyl 0.3 - 0.8, protoporphyrine and coproporphynine. It also contains vitamins C, B2 and K, beta-carotene, Ca, Mg, Fe and Si salts, phosphates etc. Because of these compounds, the plant has anti-anemic, anti-diabetic, haemostatic and diuretic properties.

Folk medicine has proved the usefulness of this property: fresh nettle leaves placed on the skin, and especially on the kidney area (a practice named urticaria) induces a stinging and burning sensation, with the effect of easing more profound rheumatic pains.

Nettle tea it cures diseases and inflammations of the urinary system, and also urinary retentions. It has a slightly laxative effect, being recommended in depurative remedies. For hepatic, biliary diseases as well as for conditions of the spleen, the treatment with nettle tea will last for a number of weeks. Nettle tea can also be of great help to those who suffer from diabetes, because it leads to the decrease of blood sugar and implicitly, of the glycemic level. It is useful in eliminating viruses, and bacterial infections. Preparation: the tea can be prepared through soaking the fresh or dried leaves in boiled water. This method allows the retention of active substances.

Anise(Pimpinella anisum)

anise As food, the anise is used for cooking sweet and spicy dishes. It has been used as an aphrodisiac since the Greeks' time. The medical tests have confirmed that anise seeds intensified lust.

The anise fruit have got a nice taste and are used in the phytotherapy. As a ripe fruit or as juice, it is recommended for curing asthenia and for stimulating suckling mothers' lactation. Synthetically speaking, one may say about the anise that it is a medicine plant recommended for curing nervous asthenia, migraines, vertigos, rheumatism, cough, bronchial asthma, gastric pains, and slow digestion.

Clubmoss plant

The plant contains radium, triterpanes, alkaloids and mineral substances which give it diuretic, anti-alcoholic, anti-tobacco, anti-cirrhotic, and purgative properties. In hepatitis and tumors of the conjunctive tissue of the liver, clubmosss are indispensable. Hepatic cirrhosis or liver cancer can also be treated with the help of clubmoss tea. Because it contains radium, clubmosss are used for calming muscle cramps. For this purpose, a pillow can be stuffed with this plant.

Clubmoss is recommended to those suffering from rheumatism and arthritis even in cases when the diseases present malformations of the articulations. Clubmoss tea is recommended in treating chronic constipation, and for hemorrhoids. This is also used for lessening diseases of the urinary system and the genital organs. Clubmoss tea prevents the formation of kidney stones and renal colics.

The plant can also be used sometimes as a diuretic, and clubmoss spores are used for skin irritations. If 4 to 5 drops of tincture are added into the water meant for washing hair, the hair is strengthened, and is less friable...

tags:Clubmoss plant,Anise (Pimpinella anisum)Pharmacologic ,Nettle (Urtica Dioica,

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...