Medicinal plants have always been considered a healthy source of life for all people.
Therapeutical properties of medical plants are very useful in healing various diseases and the advantage of these medicinal plants is being 100% natural.
Nowadays people are being bombarded with thousand of unhealthy products, the level of sensibility infront of diseases is very high and that's why the use of medicinal plants can represent the best solution.
Medicinal plants:
Folk medicine has proved the usefulness of this property: fresh nettle leaves placed on the skin, and especially on the kidney area (a practice named urticaria) induces a stinging and burning sensation, with the effect of easing more profound rheumatic pains.
Nettle tea it cures diseases and inflammations of the urinary system, and also urinary retentions. It has a slightly laxative effect, being recommended in depurative remedies. For hepatic, biliary diseases as well as for conditions of the spleen, the treatment with nettle tea will last for a number of weeks. Nettle tea can also be of great help to those who suffer from diabetes, because it leads to the decrease of blood sugar and implicitly, of the glycemic level. It is useful in eliminating viruses, and bacterial infections. Preparation: the tea can be prepared through soaking the fresh or dried leaves in boiled water. This method allows the retention of active substances.
Anise(Pimpinella anisum)

The anise fruit have got a nice taste and are used in the phytotherapy. As a ripe fruit or as juice, it is recommended for curing asthenia and for stimulating suckling mothers' lactation. Synthetically speaking, one may say about the anise that it is a medicine plant recommended for curing nervous asthenia, migraines, vertigos, rheumatism, cough, bronchial asthma, gastric pains, and slow digestion.
Clubmoss plant
Clubmoss is recommended to those suffering from rheumatism and arthritis even in cases when the diseases present malformations of the articulations. Clubmoss tea is recommended in treating chronic constipation, and for hemorrhoids. This is also used for lessening diseases of the urinary system and the genital organs. Clubmoss tea prevents the formation of kidney stones and renal colics.
The plant can also be used sometimes as a diuretic, and clubmoss spores are used for skin irritations. If 4 to 5 drops of tincture are added into the water meant for washing hair, the hair is strengthened, and is less friable...
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