Showing posts with label ginseng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ginseng. Show all posts

Ginseng plant

Ginseng contains 12 types of bio-active chemical substances also known as ginsenoids.

Used as capsules, powder, tea or nutritive supplements, ginseng can be easily found in any drug-store.

Small doses can increase the blood tension and big doses can diminish it.The general belief is that ginseng prevents the ageing of tissues and treats impotence.

According to Chinese tradition, ginseng treats hypertension as well as hypotension, anemia, asthenia, arthritis, digestive disorders, insomnia, and fatigue and increases body resistance during stress periods.

Ginseng has tonic (especially over the nervous system), anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and aphrodisiac effects.


Ginseng Plus

Ginseng Plus:Research from all over the world proves the remarkable quality of this root in treating several physical and mental ailments including stress relief. Ginseng is known for its overall strengthening effect on humans. Ginseng is used by many athletes for strength and by students and executives for stress relief and memory improvement. It contains many alkaloids and saponins, and has demonstrated its healing, curing, and magical powers time and again. Ginseng is also used in herbal teas, cosmetics, foods, and soft drinks.

Liquid Ginseng Plus Advanced Formula

Do you lack stamina?

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Retail Price:$24.99

tags:ginseng plus,Liquid Ginseng Plus Advanced Formula,mental ailments including stress relief....gingengplus

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