Showing posts with label Natural dieted product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural dieted product. Show all posts

Leptin Green Coffee 800

Leptin Green Coffee 800:

70 mg calcium

250 mg of chromium (as chromium dinicotinate glycine)

700 mg Propietary Herbal Blend:

Green tea leaf standardized extract (180 mg antioxidant polyphenols, 90 mg epigalocate enteralate (EGCG), 50 mg natural caffeine, Asian Panax ginseng root standardized.)

It is not for pregnant women and for breastfeeding women, it is not for children younger than 18 years and not for any person under any condition or any remedy consult with their physician before starting any new product or nutritional plan.

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and illness, medical or physical condition.

When used with a healthy diet plan, incredible results can be achieved. Individual results may vary.

Composition: Detail: 18 leptin bags of green coffee 800 in a sealed box factory at 5grams each bag,

90grams net weight per box, (18 days supply)

 Consume before or after breakfast. Add milk and sugar or if desired.

$ 129 USD.


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Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...