Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts

It's real medicine.

The water's murmur will act on the brain by making us relax.

We can forget about the problems and enjoy the natural beauty.

Make time for yourself when we cross over from us.

Tags:natural beauty,stress,relax,

Strengthening immunity-fighting the virus

 Strengthening immunity,how to defeat the virus to save ourselves to strengthen immunity.We fight against viruses, bacteria.Honey is in the first place especially if it is with a mixture.

It will be useful with garlic and if you don't want it, it's good to take it with lemon honey and it's a good anti-virus therapy.

But it is a little necessary to add three tablespoons of pollen powder, 1 piece of grated ginger and 25 grams of nettle seeds, as well as the juice of 2 lemons. To spend 5 large cloves of garlic or without it. Onions are healthy and necessary for the body. advises and tincture of propolis 10 ml.

Preparation: grind nettle in a coffee grinder or other appliance. It is also good for anemia. Peel an onion and mash it, mix everything and let it stand for 3 days. Take it with a wooden spoon 2-3 times a day per teaspoon of the mixture. .Lemon is a super medicine that carries food to all parts of the body.It carries minerals and vitamins.Excess vitamin C will go out in the urine.

The second mixture is with honey 500 gr. , 50 g of pollen powder and 30 ml of propolis and 250 g. ground cranberries, 250 gr. frozen blueberries.Everything to mix in a glass jar in the refrigerator to stand 24 hours.

The third mixture 300 gr. honey, 30 grams of celery root, and 30 gr. ginger and 1 teaspoon ground hot pepper.

Instead, you can add turmeric or horseradish per 50 grams and the juice of 3 lemons per 500 g of honey. One teaspoon after getting up in the morning.

You can take jam instead of honey. And it can stand for a long time without spoiling. The jam is sugar-free, it is made from fruit juice until it is cooked to be thick. The jam is also good for anemia.

You can make a tincture of half a liter of medical alcohol 70% in which is inserted 100 grams of dried echinacea flowers, 50 gr. propolis, 50 grams of lemon balm, to stand closed for 15 days. Strain and drink 3 times 15 drops a day. insomnia. For insomnia, it is good to take 25 grams of mint, lemon balm and chamomile flowers. Take a small teaspoon of 200 ml of the mixture once a day for a good night's sleep.

So much for today, live healthy and live long.

Tags:natural remedy,medicine from nature,horseradish, nettle, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, garlic,

Natural Herbs for Herbal Weight Loss

Health-Natural Herbs:According to the London based Obesity Task Force, an estimated 1.7 billion people are overweight throughout the world. Obesity in the United States is now considered an epidemic with more than 71% of adults classifying as overweight. Only a few decades before, in 1984, this percentage was 56%. Not only adults are suffering from this problem. Between 12% and 14% of children and teenagers are also overweight.

Over 300,000 people die each year from illness linked to weight. Health problems that can develop for overweight people include stroke, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, and gout. Less severe conditions include osteoarthritis and sleep apnea.

Protect yourself from weight related illness by loosing weight. The risk of health problems increases with the amount you are overweight. Herbal supplements aid in weight reduction while helping lower the health risks of obesity.

According to health experts, there of four factors in weight control: 1. strength training to help build muscle, 2. cardiovascular training to increase your metabolism, 3. good nutrition to manage caloric intake but provide the body with sufficient energy, and 4. mental strength providing the ability to start and execute a program. Good nutrition often includes the following nutritional herbal and weight loss supplements:
Popular weight loss herbs include the following:

  • Bitter Orange

  • Cayenne

  • Coleus

  • Ephedra

  • Garcinia Cambogia

  • Green Tea

  • Guaraná

  • Guggul

  • Spirulina (Blue-Green Algae)

  • St. John’s Wort ...

tags:Natural Herbs for Herbal ,Obesity ,Good nutrition often includes

DAMIANA-Turnera diffusa

Turner diffusa, known as Damiana is a shrub native to Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. It belongs to the family Turneraceae.

Herbal medicine

Damiana today is conventionally made into tea. In herbal medicine, damiana is used for the treatment of conditions ranging from cough to constipation to depression. Herbal supplement known to help with fibromyalgia, energy, emphysema, low estrogen, frigidity, hot flashes, impotence, infertility, menopause, Parkinson's disease, PMS, inflammation of the prostate, Lou Gehrig's disease, and more dealing with reproductive organs in both males and females .

Damiana has been used in the past as a tea to help teenagers overcome shyness & amp; self-confidence that sometimes accompanies puberty. Damiana also be used for sexual performance anxiety in adults. Gorka principle, Damianino, stimulates the nervous system and reproductive organs, and also allows nerve messages to more easily spread through the body.

Consume more than one cup of tea Damiana, or a tincture of dropperful or two capsules per day, in order to avoid stressing the liver, since its effects are cumulative. It is generally considered safe, but avoid using Damiana in cases of urinary tract diseases or liver disease.

While researchers have not found any information on the final Damiana has psychoactive effects, has recently been shown that the essential chemical structure of the plant, Damianino, have certain effects on the central nervous system. This chemical can therefore be responsible, in part, to reports of psychoactive effects, but studies have involved limited at this time.

Tags: Herbal Medicine,Damiana,


BMI is not always accurate for those with a large percentage of muscle mass or for those with a small or large frame. 

While it may not be perfect, BMI is a great place to start in determining your healthy weight.Body mass index (BMI) is a tool used to determine if your weight is healthy for your height. 

It determines if a person is underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.

tag:BMI is not always accurate,diet,lose weight,your weight is healthy for your height

Herbal Cures for Kidneys

There are many herbs that are beneficial to the kidneys. Herbal cures for the kidney are recommended to treat a variety of disorders from infections of the urinary system to kidney stones.


  1. Parsley is a diuretic. It helps to clean the kidneys of harmful substances by producing more urine.

  2.  Urine is the byproduct of the kidneys cleaning the blood.

  3. Juniper Berries

  4. Juniper berries are effective in eliminating mucus from the urinary system, which might cause congestion.

    1. Uva Ursi

    2. Uva Ursi is probably the most popular for cleaning and treating kidneys. It improves the function of the kidneys by stimulating its many passageways.

      1. Kelp

      2. Kelp is a diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys to produce more urine, and leads to more debris and toxins being eliminated. Kelp is also rich in minerals such as iron and potassium.

      3. Watermelon Seeds

      4. The Health New Age website says watermelon seeds stimulate kidneys that are sluggish.

      tags:Herbal Cures for Kidneys,Watermelon Seeds,Uva Ursi is probably,herbal cures for kidneys,naturall,


 One of those oddly inescapable problems that frequently accompany aging is heartburn. Although I didn't really deal with it growing up, it has started to crop up now that I'm in my thirties.

Heartburn is characterized by an unpleasant burning feeling that typically follows a meal, living up to its name. The esophageal sphincter is thought to have relaxed, allowing stomach acid to run back up into the esophagus and effectively burn the delicate membrane lining your throat.

Don’t eat or drink too late at night, especially heavy or rich foods. I know I can only drink water past about 8 pm, and I have to stop snacking even earlier. Two to three hours is a guideline for me, but that timing may be different for everyone and vary according to your own triggers. Your body needs time to digest your food before you lay down for the night.

Common triggers include fried and high-fat foods, chocolate, caffeine, soda, sugar, tomatoes, onions, and highly processed junk food. Cigarette smoke and alcohol can also be a problem. It’s best to avoid these at least two to three hours before bedtime…which leads me to the next tip.

Tags:Heartburn,high-fat foods,Cigarette,alcohol,

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...