Showing posts with label studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studies. Show all posts

Men Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Men reporting.....

Reporting in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers say they've found that men with a low frequency of sexual activity have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sex isn't just good, it's good for your heart, a new study of men indicates.

Men who reported sexual activity of once a month or less had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than men who reported having sex twice a week or more, writes study researcher Susan A. Hall, PhD, of the department of epidemiology at the New England Research Institutes.

Previous studies have examined the link between erectile dysfunction (ED) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the new study is the first to look at frequency of sexual activity and heart risk independently from ED, the researchers say.

tags:the researchers say.,Men Risk of Cardiovascular Disease,heart,activity sexual,



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....Good luck.

tags:proxed Plus,

Natural beauty against stress

Natural beauty in my area because the soul rests against stress acts It's real medicine. The water's murmur will act on the brain ...