What are the signs and symptoms of MRSA infection?

What are the signs and symptoms of MRSA infection?
Most MRSA infections are skin infections that produce the following signs and symptoms:
- cellulitis (infection of the skin or the fat and tissues that lie immediately beneath the skin, usually starting as small red bumps in the skin),
- boils (pus-filled infections of hair follicles),
- abscesses (collections of pus in under the skin),
- sty (infection of eyelid gland),
- carbuncles (infections larger than an abscess, usually with several openings to the skin),
- impetigo (a skin infection with pus-filled blisters).
One major problem with MRSA is that occasionally the skin infection can spread to almost any other organ in the body. When this happens, more severe symptoms develop. MRSA that spreads to internal organs can become life-threatening.
Fever, chills, low blood pressure, joint pains, severe headaches, shortness of breath, and "rash over most of the body" are symptoms that need immediate medical attention, especially when associated with skin infections. Some CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA infections become severe, and complications such as endocarditis, necrotizing fasciitis,osteomyelitis, sepsis, and death may occur.
tags: symptoms of MRSA infection
,Some CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA ,
Most MRSA infections are skin infections that produce the following signs and symptoms:
One major problem with MRSA is that occasionally the skin infection can spread to almost any other organ in the body. When this happens, more severe symptoms develop. MRSA that spreads to internal organs can become life-threatening.
Fever, chills, low blood pressure, joint pains, severe headaches, shortness of breath, and "rash over most of the body" are symptoms that need immediate medical attention, especially when associated with skin infections. Some CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA infections become severe, and complications such as endocarditis, necrotizing fasciitis,osteomyelitis, sepsis, and death may occur.
tags: symptoms of MRSA infection