Growing Herbs in the Garden - I


Common name for Rosmarinus officinalis, a hardy evergreen sub-shrub grown chiefly for its aromatic leaves which are used in culinary seasoning and which yield an oil once used in medicine. Small light blue flowers are borne in April or May, in loose clusters that spring from the leaf axils. The foliage is white and woolly on the under side and dark and shiny above. Plants can grow to a height of 6 feet and last for years if given winter protection.

Rosemary prefers dry, well-drained soil and in the South and Pacific Coast States, where soil is dry and rocky, they are planted as hedges. There is also a low-growing or prostrate variety.

Rosemary grows well with occasional watering, and does much better where the soil is alkaline. All varieties prefer full sun and most can tolerate slightly shady areas.

Rosemary propagates easily by taking six inch long stem cuttings that are stuck in a mixture of sand, loam, and leaf mold, ideally in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse or cold frame.

tags:Growing Herbs in the Garden,Rosemary,Common ,naturally,

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